
grayson started out as a variant of boyfriend from friday night funkin'. he was always more focused on fashion, makeup, and tiktoks than he was music - really, his relationship to the character of boyfriend was always pretty tenuous. he was made for an rp server based around fnf, so that's how those origins came about. his best friend (and crush) was a pico played by my boyfriend lynx, and to give that pico a unique identifier in a server full of picos, we decided to that grayson had dubbed his pico "bates". it comes from patrick bateman, but there are probably stronger connections i could make nowadays. he picked it because the movie has "psycho" in the title - it's a jab at his bestie's schizophrenia. the whole inspiration behind the duo was a pico that knows he's schizohrenic and is coping with it well, and a boyfriend that makes fun of him for it all the time. it's funny, because i'm the schizophrenic one between the two of us. it sounds insane when i explain it but i swear it makes perfect sense. i've never even seen american psycho.
when lynx and i brought grayson and bates into a private mfrp server, we decided to make them into ocs. it was pretty easy to file off the serial numbers, since their relationship to those base characters were pretty minor to start with - especially in grayson's case. bates just needed an actual name, which is now benjamin taylor. grayson still has his fond if somewhat ableist nickname for him, though. grayson quickly became one of my favorite muses there, as well as one of my most popular. he was the guy everyone liked, both in and out of character.
i haven't been writing him as much as i used to, but grayson still has a special place in my heart. i put a lot of myself into him. as stupid as he is, he's like a little me if i'd been more well-adjusted at 19. he's also important to me as a trans man who's comfortable with his body and femininity - he's not afraid to dress up in cute clothes or have his tits out. a lot of people think trans men have to hate having boobs or wearing feminine clothes, but that's just not the case! it doesn't make us not men. grayson is always recognized as a man no matter what he's wearing, and that means a lot to me.

grayson is loud and bombastic. he's confident - at least on the outside - and he's not afraid to just be himself. he's never masked his true self; he's not even sure how to. he's not the brightest crayon in the box, but he makes up for it with a charming earnestness and undying loyalty to his friends. you can always count on grayson to have your back - even if you're not entirely in the right.
he's pretty chill with a lot of things. his best friend is a former mercenary, so not a lot fazes him. he's happy to be friends with just about everyone, and he always tries to see the good in people. that doesn't stop him from getting caught up in the moment and getting frustrated, though.
grayson is a short, white trans man with short, messy blue hair. his friendly, dopey eyes are brown. he has no remarkable scars or blemishes, though it's clear he's wearing heavy makeup on his face.
grayson's most commonly worn item is a black hoodie with pink eyes and cat ears. he loves wearing anything cat-related, though he's most commonly seen in a plain pink t-shirt, jeans, and pink tennis shoes. he likes experimenting with fashion, both masculine and feminine, so expect to see him in something new every now and then.

you can see all the art i've drawn and commissioned of grayson on his toyhou.se! below you can see credits for the art on this page that i didn't draw.
- icon: value.fries
- personality: milkkirie