year in review
while this year had its ups and downs, i think it was overall more good than bad. the biggest highlight of all was seeing all of my partners at sakuracon at the end of march! i had a blast, even though my shoes were too small and i was in pain most of the time. worth it to see my favorite people in the whole world, though! i didn’t get a ton of pictures in cosplay, but i do have a couple selfies of me as my boy kokichi ouma.
sadly, it wasn’t all great. i had a rough time in school for a little while, temporarily losing my financial aid in the process. i managed to get back in the swing of things for fall quarter, which i enjoyed, but it was kinda touch and go for a while. additionally, two my dogs passed away - archimedes from cancer in june, and ivy from old age in october. i still miss them dearly, but hopefully they’re feeling better now. i’m the kinda guy who believes in reincarnation, so maybe i’ll even meet them again someday! if not, maybe they’ll make someone else happy.

things turned around in november, though. i got back into making pixel art, and drawing in general! i opened commissions on furvilla and it was a blast. i’ve really missed creating. additionally, i started the website you’re looking at right now! i missed coding websites, and it was fun to get back into it. i hope to keep this site going for many years to come. in general, i rediscovered my love for coding and programming, and it’s gotten me inspired!
while i didn’t have any goals set for the year, i’m pretty satisfied with the progress i made. in the coming year, i’d like to get even better at pixel art and maybe even do some drawing challenges. i’m considering finally joining artfight this year as well - drawing other people’s ocs has been so much fun! i’m also hoping to finally make my first ever game. i don’t plan on making anything huge, but a little something should be doable.
light in darkness
as always, it’s my wonderful partners and friends that are getting me through life, both the good times and the bad. ash, lynx, and tiny are the best partners i could ever ask for, and every day i’m glad i was able to meet them. roleplaying with everyone, goofing off in discord calls, watching streams… it’s been a great time. i’m always happy when i get to talk to my buddies.
additionally, while ivy and archimedes are gone now, spike has been there for me, begging for food and licking my face off. he’s a sweet little guy, and while he’s only a few months younger than ivy, i hope he’ll stay with us for years to come.
Background from unsplash. This page was written for 32-Bit Cafe's New Year's Event!