howdy! things have been going pretty well lately. i'm just about caught up with school already (i thought i was, but it turns out i forgot something haha). i'm feeling really good about my progress overall! i'm doing much better than i used to when i fell behind. i did freeze up a bit, but i managed to push through it.
tomorrow is valentine's day! i'm going to watch ash play fields of mistria with lynx and tiny. i'm looking forward to it! it's been snowy over here, so it'll be nice to cozy up with my partners, even if i can't see them in person.
i've been playing more games again! i got into vampire survivors, and when i wanted to play in bed, i got sweet survivors. it's a switch vampire survivors clone that i heard about from miela's blog. (i recommend checking it out if you haven't! there are some obscure gems on there.) i'm hooked on the gameloop; i've always been a roguelike fan, and this style of gameplay is really addictive. i also got into a life sim called growing up! i haven't played as much of that, but it's pretty fun. i also got to the moon, but i haven't played it yet. gotta love some good steam sales!
i got some new yarn for hats. i keep getting caught up in other stuff, though, so i haven't done any crocheting recently. i've been wanting to get into sewing again, too, but i haven't. i gotta give myself a little kick to get back into my crafts. sadly i am very computer brained.
i finally updated my website again! you probably saw it if you're following me on neocities. i added some oc pages, which were fun to put together. i plan on making more for sure! i just had a sudden itch to talk about my little guys. check them out if you haven't already!
that's all for this post. i hope y'all have a good weekend, and a happy holiday if you celebrate!