content warnings: put them here!

well, my february's not off to the best start. sorry for the lack of posts; i didn't have a lot to say and then i got sick. i originally thought it was some cucumbers i ate, but i think it must have been norovirus. my entire family got sick, so that was fun. i was only really sick for a day, but getting my energy and appetite back has been slow going.

on the bright side, i had session zero for a ttrpg today! we'll be meeting every other week. i'm really excited about it! i've never gotten to play a ttrpg before. my girlfriend and some friends are playing kids on brooms, which none of us have played before. it's gonna be fun!

i haven't made anything new crochet-wise. i was working on a hat, but the yarn i was using sucked, so i wasn't enjoying it. i do have a crochet kit i want to do though; maybe when i have more freetime i'll work on that.

i'd like to work more on my website, too. i'm a little frustrated with myself that i haven't done more, but i need to remember that this is just a hobby. i have a lot of other stuff i've been working on, so my website has fallen a bit by the wayside. it's fine! i can get back to it one day.

it's gonna be tough catching up with my schoolwork, especially since i was already a little bit behind, but i think i'll manage.i've struggled with that in the past, but i'm more confident this time!

well, that's about all i got for this update. hopefully i can start blogging more regularly again lol. see y'all around!